3:09PM - 11/12/2020

Cleaner Together Recycling App

Status- Ongoing

With constantly growing database of items and a forum for all your questions, the Cleaner Together App is your go to source for all things green. But this is only the beginning as there is much more to come.

Home Page
The home page is a sleek and user friendly view which contains links to every aspect of the app such as Which Bin and the forum. The page also includes direct access to out social media profiles and a counter that displays in real time many of the issues Cleaner Together is trying to resolve. Along with this, there is a drop down menu which will link to some of the main information on this website about Cleaner Together such as the About Us page, the Learn section, the Contact page, and the Projects section.

Which Bin
Which Bin is a constantly growing database of items where anyone can go to find out if there item should be recycled, composted, or simply thrown away. You can search for an item manually or use our powerful search bar. However, what makes our app different from other similar ones, is that we allow users to add items and there recycling info. And while this information is thoroughly reviewed for errors, this feature allows our database of items to grow at an exponentially faster pace. Be sure to look out for future updates to this section of the app where we will look into adding a scanner so you can simply scan the item as well as more specific recycling information based on your zip code.

The Cleaner Together forum is a large and easy-to-use database of questions others have asked along with ability to add your own questions. On each question you have the ability to up vote or down vote questions based on how helpful they are so the questions can also be more accessible to others. You can also easily answer questions and others can reply to those answers as well. In the future, be on the lookout for a social media aspect in this section which is more to post interesting ideas you have had or things you have done to related to Cleaner Together.

Link: http://cleanertogether.com/projects/